Supporting Feeding for Infants with Cleft Lip/Palate

Congratulations to Brenda Fetter, SLP  from Childrens’ Mercy in Kansas City for joint authorship on a wonderful new publication.

Kaye A, Huff H, Fetter B, Thaete K (2020) Cleft Lip and Palate Newborn Care and Feeding: A Primer for Bedside Nursing Providers. Int J Nurs Health Care, 2 Volume 03; Issue 07

Contributions from a  plastic surgeon and pediatric dietician make it a unique offering. Witten as a primer for bedside nursing providers working with newborns with cleft lip and palate, it provides excellent information for  all of us to consider for informing our practice with this infant population.

While each of us may have a slightly different slant on intervention approaches based on our unique clinical experiences, it provides a solid compendium of information to inform our practice.


Click on this  secure link for the open access article:  Kaye et al (2020) cleft palate primer for RNs

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